Influential Storytelling:

Activate Any Audience To Take Action

4 Striking Reasons To Add Storytelling To Your Skillset

  1. Information shared through storytelling is proven to be 22 times more memorable than sharing statistics alone.

  2. The human brain is hard-wired for stories. This is why we see images in ink-blot tests, why we point out clouds that look like animals, and why we imagine stories behind other people’s actions.

  3. Your story distinguishes your brand from others. If you don’t express your story, your clients will do it for you. (See #2)

  4. Stories trigger the release of cortisol, oxytocin, and dopamine in the brain. As a result, the listener remembers the message and is influenced to take action.

storytelling tools for you

storytelling tools for you

Sketch of clipboard

Influential Storytelling Workbook

Sketch of books stacked

Free Weekly Writing Prompts

Sketch of pen

Story Catalog Templates

Sketch of clipboard

Individual or Group Coaching

Tracy Interlandi

Mission Statement:

Educate. Connect. Inspire.

I believe in the power of stories to educate, to connect, and to inspire action. My platform serves as an educational resource where people learn how to effectively share narratives, to explore diverse perspectives, and to celebrate the richness of human experiences. 

Workbooks and Writing Prompts

Click here to receive a special offer on the Influential Storytelling Workbook.

When you sign up, you’ll be automatically subscribed to receive free weekly writing prompts.

Tracy’s Writing Nook

Want more storytelling coaching from Tracy?

Tracy is available for individual coaching, group coaching, writing collaborations, and energetic delivery of keynote speeches.