The #StopGoss Challenge


I challenge you to stop gossiping.

90 days.

Why am I posing this challenge? Because gossiping makes up 60-70% of naturally-occurring conversation each day. And there are much more fruitful ways to spend our lives. By conquering this challenge, friends will be more likely to confide in you. You’ll be honoring the secrets of others. You’ll be respectful of those who may have experienced an embarrassing or shameful experience. And you’ll lessen the impact of a false rumor circulating through the social groups. Are you in? Good, I knew you had it in you!

Here are 3 essential concepts that will have you breezing through this challenge like a kite on a sail.

The Imaginary Friend Concept

While in conversation, ask yourself whether you would share this info if the person were present. Truly imagine that person sitting with you. In case you begin to spill the tea too soon, catch yourself and say, “Ya know what, I wouldn’t be saying this if they were here with us. So I’m going to do the right thing, and honor their privacy.” The person you’re speaking to will admire your grace and compassion. In the case that they do not, take note. This is someone who may not have the same courtesy when it comes to keeping your secrets confidential.

The Red Light Concept

Take control of what you’re allowing yourself to hear. If the conversation is leading down the gossip rabbit hole, pump the breaks. Stop the person mid-sentence, and tell them that you’re doing the Stop Goss Challenge. Chances are, they’ll forget what they were saying, and will want to know the details of this challenge. Bonus: I guarantee that they’ll appreciate your goodwill, and will confide in you when they need a friend.

The Eleanor Concept

As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” Fill your mind with new ideas! Dive into non-fiction, personal growth, and educational books. Listen to podcasts and audiobooks that stimulate your mind. Instead of talking about someone else’s business, you’ll be brimming with ideas to discuss.

Don’t wait until you’re ready. Start now. If you slip up, keep going! Stick to the 3 essential concepts of the Stop Goss Challenge, and you’ll eliminate gossip in no time. Remember: What Susie says of Sally says more of Susie than of Sally. Be good to each other.


Ode To Kevin Costner. I mean, Dad.